Clare county areas

Private person - Advertiser: Lyonheart

48617 Clare
United States
70 years - Single
White Caucasian Spiritual born raised Lutheran.
Non-Smoker | No Driver's license | No Allergies
Marketing/sales | Retired SS VA benefits

Needs and Preferences:
Clare county areas
United States
No special wishes
towards the landlord
Requirements on Tenancy:
2022 Jul 31 0.00 $
100 hours offered
What I can offer:
  1. Household chores, Pets
  2. Bearing company (companionship, errands)
  3. Small repairs, gardening
A home LT clean separate quarters. Ample closet, storage. Prefer own bath but can share. Prefer pastoral setting away from city lights. Family orientated, single individual or couple.
Many Skill Sets. Too many to me proper for all details.
Item No. 673 - Report entry